We are currently seeking personnel for the following Churches
Trinity Reformed UCC, McConnellstown PA
Membership – 84
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines ($400 per week) / no housing
Position – Interim Pastor, 1/2-time
We are a congregation that works together to complete all tasks of the church. We are fundamentally a traditional, German Reformed rooted church. Our services are traditional, but we understand that younger members are interested in incorporating some contemporary influence in the worship services. The consistory handles the financial and management functions of the church. It advises the committees and approves programs, curriculums, etc. The consistory meets on the first Sunday of each month, immediately following the worship service. We expect the Part-Time Interim Minster to concentrate on the spiritual needs of the church. The Interim Minster will plan the weekly Sunday morning worship services, and coordinate with the musical director/secretary. The Interim Minster will work with the congregation – encourage youth/children activities, perform weddings, funerals, baptisms, communion, visit shut-ins and ill members as time permits. The Interim Minster is expected to attend the monthly consistory meeting to provide his/her comments and concerns on the happenings in the church.
Christ UCC, Latrobe PA / St. John’s UCC, Darlington PA
Membership – 90
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines / either parsonage or housing allowance provided
Position – Settled Pastor, 1/2-time
Christ UCC and St. John's UCC are communities of faith, eight miles apart, that seek to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. A variety of persons and families work together to serve each other, the community, and the world through the talents and strengths which each person brings to the whole body. Our members genuinely love and care for one another. We are seeking a pastor who would be willing to develop a mutual friendship with our church families. We invite you to join our congregations as we look toward the future.
To see the local church profile click here.
Paradise Troutville Charge UCC, Reynoldsville PA
Membership – 191
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines/housing allowance provided
Position – Settled Pastor, full-time
At Paradise United Church of Christ and Trinity United Church of Christ, we have a strong family bond. Everyone is a friend. We have a core group of members who remain very involved in almost every aspect while others fill in when they are asked or able, and still others simply, quietly only attend on Sunday for the service. We value our strong core but wish to grow our congregation and the enthusiasm of those we have to participate. Our new pastor will ignite enthusiasm and light the fire of calling in all the members to inspire change and excitement!
To see the local church profile click here.
Trinity United Church of Christ, Berlin, PA
Membership – 340
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines/Either housing allowance or parsonage provided
Position – Settled Pastor, full-time
Currently, our active congregation is comprised of adults, mostly age 60 and older. We have many younger families that are members, but unfortunately, are inactive. We feel we need to revitalize our church by engaging younger families. Our main goal is to make the Gospel and worship relevant to younger adults, youth and children so that we can reach the younger generations with the good news of the Gospel and further God's Kingdom. While making the changes needed, there should be a mindfulness of the older adults who have put so much into the ministry and worship here at Trinity over the years. We would not want them to feel that they are being ignored or pushed out in favor of a type of worship in which they would not be comfortable. Communication between church leadership and the congregation is key for change, as well as continuing to incorporate music that speaks to all generations.
To see the local church profile click here.
St. Paul’s UCC, Knox PA
Membership – 57
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines; Conference Guidelines; Salary Basis of $19,138.50.
Position – Settled Pastor, 1/2 time
We are a humble, unassuming people. We are eager to participate in any challenge, be it financial or service-driven. When there is a need, our people respond because we have met many financial goals throughout our history. We have a varied congregation in our talents. Our membership consists of natural leaders and organizers. St. Paul’s has a number of men and women who work regularly in the kitchen, be it funeral dinners, fundraising soup sales, or family dinners. Several members participate in the local food pantry helping to distribute foods once a month to needy families. Once a year we join in the community Lenten services where our church provides and serves lunch for one of those weekly events. We have special services at holiday times such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday service, Memorial Day Service, and Christmas Eve. PowerPoints are provided for our weekly Sunday services. We are a very social group. We plan several picnics yearly and enjoy socializing and bringing guests to these events. An extremely active and well-organized phone prayer chain is used for all needs. Several people in our congregation visit our shut-ins regularly. We have had several supply ministers since our pastor retired at the end of October 2022. Recently one of our supplies pointed out that she could sense the presence and work of the Holy Spirit within our midst. Certainly, anyone who has joined us in worship has been able to experience that same feeling. We hope and pray that a half time pastor can be placed with us to help guide, support, care, and minister we congregants and the community to place new members with us. (See section 1B). God will guide the heart of the minister that is to be placed at St. Paul’s.
To see the local church profile click here.
Amity Reformed UCC, Meyersdale PA
Membership – 100
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines; parsonage provided
Position – Settled Pastor, Full-time
We recognize and affirm our longing for true and meaningful growth. We aspire to be a place of vibrant Christian worship, a nurturing community and imaginative spiritual growth, where each congregational member lives out God’s call to advance His kingdom. We must invite people to church, develop relationships with people who are not followers of Christ, and we must show people that we care about them. We need a leader who is inviting, intentional, interactive and welcoming to help with this mission. Achieving these goals, we will then grow as a congregation and as a leader in our community.
To see the local church profile click here.
Trinity UCC, Saxton PA
Membership – 72
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines; parsonage provided
Position – Settled Pastor, 1/2 time
The Trinity United Church of Christ and it’s Congregation are faithful to the worship of God and passionate about God’s work. We welcome everyone who is seeking a relationship with Christ to join us in our beautiful Church Building/Sanctuary in Saxton, PA to worship. It is our priority as a congregation to continue to grow our Church family as well as to continue to reach out to our community and beyond to spread the love of Christ.
We are located in a community that provides many outdoor opportunities such as state parks, cycling trails, boating, etc. We are very proud of the educational opportunities in our area that consist from local school districts to post-secondary colleges and universities. Although we are a rural community we are within a 2 to 2.5 hour drive to several urban areas that provide many additional cultural opportunities. We are also fortunate to have a strong music ministry and are blessed with talented individuals who assist us in praising God through musical presentations.
We are in search of a pastor who is enthusiastic and motivated to work with people of all ages and is willing to utilize both traditional and alternate methods of worship and outreach. We want our minister to be willing to work with our congregation in developing strategies to move forward in an ever changing world. Our next pastor will be our congregation’s spiritual guide and will assist all people to grow in the faith of Christ.
Trinity UCC is seeking a ½ time settled pastor. However if the candidate is interested in a full time pastor position we have a sister congregation in Martinsburg, PA willing to partner with us to create a full time settled pastor position. Trinity UCC and St. Johns UCC (Martinsburg, PA) are located approximately 12 miles (16 minute drive) from each other. If interested please explore the St. Johns UCC profile in addition to the Trinity UCC profile.
To see the local church profile click here.
St. John’s UCC, Martinsburg PA
Membership – 57
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines; housing allowance provided
Position – Settled Pastor, 1/2-time
We, the family of St John’s UCC, are committed to “Living” our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ, open and sharing our love for all of God’s children, feeding the hungry, locating the forgotten and lonely, and seeking ways to welcome them. Our disciples welcome people of diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and religions to be beside us as we strengthen our faith in Christ.
We are seeking a pastor who will preach relevant and engaging sermons in our beautiful sanctuary where we share great music in worship with our committed core attendance. We want our next pastor to have energy and enthusiasm to build family outreach, to work with people of all ages, to be involved in community organizations, and to share in the work of the Conference and Association.
We are seeking a ½ time settled pastor. However if the candidate is interested in a full time pastoral position we have a sister congregation in Saxton, PA – Trinity UCC. We are both willing to create a full time settled pastor position. Trinity UCC and St John’s UCC are located approximately 12 miles (16 minute drive) from each other. If interested please explore both Trinity and St John’s profile.
To see the local church profile click here.
Unity UCC, Berlin (Shanksville) PA
Membership – 345
Salary/Housing – Conference Guidelines; housing allowance provided
Position – Pastor, 1/2 time
Unity is a merger of several congregations and about 200 years of ministry in the Glades. Our constitution states that “the purpose of this congregation is to establish in this community a Christian congregation for worship, to promote the Christian life, to celebrate the Sacraments, and to advance the Kingdom of God by all available means at home and abroad.” We are looking for a leader who is also a working member; this person will need to be welcoming, encouraging, friendly, and approachable. It is important to us that the pastor, in conjunction with the congregation, will: help foster a comfortable environment where people want to gather; feel comfortable experimenting with technology and worship; encourage and support Sunday school attendance and youth participation; participate in church and community events that the church hosts whether it benefits the church or benefits the community at large; and provide leadership and proactivity towards growing our local and community mission work, both hands on and monetary.
To see the local church profile click here.