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We are now able to take online donations. We truly appreciate any donation that you can offer to assist our church and ministries.

Note: If you would like to make a donation to one of our Mission Partners, please visit “Donate to Our Mission Partners” under the “Resources” tab. Thank you again for your generous support!

Caring for Churches, Caring for Clergy

Please find links to the Level 1 (basic statement) and Level 2 (more detail) Case Statements for our Caring for Churches, Caring for Clergy Campaign. For more information about this effort, please contact david@pennwest.org or office@pennwest.org.

UCC Disaster Ministries NewsFeed

View the UCC Disaster Ministries news feed


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Pastoral Ethics, 2025

Back in 2017, all six of the Associations of the Penn West Conference passed the resolution, “On Pastoral Ethics Requirements for the Associations of the Penn West Conference of the United Church of Christ.” In 2025, we are providing a diversity/cultural competency training program on Ministering with People with Disabilities, offered for your convenience at three separate times by Zoom. The training is open to all people (Authorized Ministers or laypeople) who want to attend and register for it.

The first two sessions will not be recorded; the third will be, and if you attend this session, it requires your consent to be recorded. All Authorized Ministers and Members in Discernment are expected to either attend one of these events, as per the resolution, or write a paper (2-4 pages) on this subject. Because we will offer a recorded session this year, another way for Authorized Ministers to satisfy the requirement will be to view (providing proof of the viewing) the May 12 recording at some point after that date and before the end of the year (preferably before October). Remember, too, that Authorized Ministers must complete and submit the Annual Informational Review form before certificates of completion will be sent to them. Our presenters this year will be the Rev. Sarah Lund, Kimberly Williams, and Robin Stemple from the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries Network. Please register for one of these event dates/timeframes below.

  • Saturday, March 29, 9 AM - Noon
  • Thursday, April 10, 6-9 PM
  • Tuesday, May 12, 6-9 PM – will be recorded, consent to record required

The cost of the event is $10.00 per person. This covers administrative fees as well as an honorarium for the presenter. If the registration fee is a hardship for you, please contact the Conference Minister. Please register by completing the registration form here and sending your payment by Friday, March 14, to Penn West Conference, 312 South Maple Ave., Suite PWC, Greensburg PA 15601. Please make checks out to “Penn West Conference.” If you would like to register online on our website via Tithe.ly, visit https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/9732672.

November 9, 2024 Special Meeting of Penn West Conference

We are inviting you now on your calendars to please hold Saturday, November 9, 2024, as the date of a special meeting to vote on a motion to General Synod to request that the boundaries of the four PA UCC Conferences be altered to allow for the establishment of the Keystone Conference. For those of you who weren’t at Annual Meeting, you may find a wealth of information about the Keystone Project here. Some of it may require some additional contextual explanation, so if you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask any of our Conference’s Keystone Working Group members about it.

They are:
Rev. Dave Mears: dave.mears33@gmail.com
Rev. Liddy Barlow: lbarlow@casp.org
Wendy Bigelow: wbigelow5@comcast.net
Deb Long: deblong672@gmail.com
Tom Croner: tomcroner@yahoo.com

The meeting is scheduled to be held at First Reformed United Church of Christ, 312 S. Maple Ave., Greensburg PA, and we are having a Zoom option to attend, as well. It is scheduled to begin at 10 AM Eastern time. The vote is scheduled to take place at 11:30 AM, with an announcement about the outcome shared among the four Conferences at noon.

Here is the final text of the motion; and here is the official Call to the Meeting. Also, here is a Guide to the Meeting, and here is an update on it. Additionally, here is an in-person registration form (one to be completed by each person registering to attend in person), and here is a Zoom registration form (one to be completed by each person registering to attend by Zoom). Please send registration forms to Penn West Conference, 312 S. Maple Ave., Suite PWC, Greensburg PA 15601.

Here is the schedule for our upcoming Town Halls. And here are updated materials for our first series of Town Halls (in the “Topics I” column on the schedule): Keystone Project TRansition Timeline (DRAFT) (pennwest.org) and for the second series (in the “Topics II” column on the schedule), and for the third series (in the “Topics III” column on the schedule).

Here is a proposed agenda for the meeting.

Last, but not least, below please find some bulletin inserts about the Keystone Working Group produced by the group’s Communications Team. Please feel free to print these out and include them in your church’s worship bulletins for upcoming services.

Also, here are some bulletin inserts about the Keystone Working Group produced by the group’s Communications Team. Please feel free to print these out and include them in your church’s worship bulletins for upcoming services.

For bulletin insert #1, click here.
For bulletin insert #2, click here. For bulletin insert #3, click here. For bulletin insert #4, click here.

Thank you for your prayers for the work and ministry of the Penn West Conference and of the wider United Church of Christ.

Prayers for our Partners in the Philippines

We give thanks to God for the partnership that Penn West Conference has with the Northwest Luzon Conference of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. We ask that you continue to remember to support them our SHEEP Fund (Sustaining Hope for Educational Expenses in the Philippines). Gifts to the SHEEP Fund may be made electronically using the donate button on our homepage, and/or by sending a check to the Conference, with SHEEP Fund in the memo. Thank you for all the efforts you are doing to share God’s love across the globe!

"God is Still Speaking"

Welcome to the PWC Website!

Welcome to the Penn West Conference website! On this site, you will find insights, resources, materials, and links that highlight the ministries of the United Church of Christ in the Penn West Conference. We're glad that you are visiting us!



Rev. David Ackerman
Conference Minister

Suggested Links:

Visit UCC.org
Visit LivingWatersCamp.org